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Support the Youth and Join us at the Auction!

2025 Auction Chairperson
Clay Menotti (281) 733-7809

Wednesday, April 9, 2025

Location: Entertainment Pavilion

The Galveston County Fair & Rodeo Jr Livestock Auction will host the sale of 189 lots for our youth exhibitors in an exciting fast paced evening. Come join the excitement at the 2025 Jr Market Livestock Auction.

Attention Jr Market Auction Buyers!

NEW FOR 2025!

Jr Market Auction Buyers

The Galveston County Fair & Rodeo, Inc. requires that anyone desiring to be a buyer at the Jr Market Auction must be registered.

Pre-Registration takes place beginning February 1st and closes the Tuesday night before the Jr Market Auction at 11:59pm. Pre-Registration can be done thru our website @galvestoncountyfair.com.

The GCFR Jr Market Auction requires a $250 registration fee. The $250 registration fee will give the buyer along with 1 guest access to the auction floor to be able to bid on the student projects. Additional buyer guest passes may be purchased at $25 each.

The registration fees will be applied as a credit towards the total purchases that the buyer makes during the auction. This fee does not apply towards Add-Ons or Commitments. If buyer does not make a purchase at the auction the registration fees will be applied to the general scholarship fund.

Example: Buyer pays the $250 registration fee plus 2 extra $25 guest passes for a total of $300, he/she bids $2000 on an auction lot, the bill that the buyer is sent will show an entry for the bid amount of $2000 and an entry for the credit for the registration fee of $300 for a total bill amount due of $1700.

Registration the day of the Jr Market Auction is available and will require registration payment and buyer information entered electronically with the GCFR Jr Market Auction Committee.

If payment is not received after 30 days from receipt of electronic invoice a late fee of 1% of total due will be assessed until paid in full.

Buyer Information

BIDDING: All items sell to the highest bidder. Any disputes or questions regarding bids will be settled by the Auctioneer and their decision will be final.

BUYERS NUMBERS: All buyers must be registered and have an assigned number to bid. Recognition to the buyer(s) will be given to the name corresponding with the buyer’s number.

BUYER GROUPS: Buyers wishing to buy in combination with others throughout the auction need to register as a group and receive a specific buyer number for the group.

BUYER RECOGNITION: In cases where groups exceed four (4) individuals or business names, it is understood that only the top four (4) listed will receive public recognition. Pictures can include all buyers.

REGISTRATION: Buyer must sign a completed Buyer Form including paddle #, name, address, phone number prior to sale.


GALVESTON COUNTY FAIR & RODEO INC will accept payments at the AUCTION in the form of a check or credit card.

INVOICED BUYERS: UPON RECEIPT OF INVOICE: PAYMENT must be received within the Fair Office no later than 30 days after receipt of electronic invoice. Late payments will be charged a late fee of 1% of total due until paid in full.

ADD-ONS: Add-On Forms will be at the Auction and on galvestoncountyfair.com.

Animal Processing
For Processing of steers, swine, lambs, goats, the BUYER is responsible for the choice of processor at time of purchase. GCFR will ensure the animal is picked up by the selected processor at the end of fair. Once the animal is delivered to the processor with the BUYER'S name and contact information, the processor will contact BUYER for instructions on packaging etc. The Youth Exhibitor is responsible for processing the small animals such as rabbits, broilers and turkeys. The Youth Exhibitor will make arrangements with BUYER to deliver the processed animals as indicated by the buyer and get a proof of delivery form signed.

Donated Animals
A BUYER you have the option of keeping the animal you purchased for personal consumption, or you can donate it to one of local non-profits organizations. BUYER agrees to pay all cost with processing charges for donated animals.

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